Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Plane Ticket!

One of my friends was looking at my blog the other day and asked me to write another blog post: so here goes... this one's for you Liz!
I have my plane ticket now.
I'm leaving July 6th at 1:30 p.m. from Chicago, taking a direct flight through Air India. I will be flying over the north pole (which really isn't a big deal but I'm excited) and my flight should take approximately 15 hours. 
I am so excited. Well, probably not as excited as I should be but I'm still excited. 
Here is what's on my mind about India. So many people are asking me "are you excited?" "are you scared" or they make comments like "I could never do something like that!" or "that is soooooo coooooooooooooooooooool"
But the thing is I never have a good reply to any of these comments and queries. Especially when I feel that people are getting the impression that I am a better person than I really am.   And I'm excited and scared... but in the same ways that every other person my age is feeling about college. 
India is going to be fun. It is going to be challenging. It is going to change me. It is going to deepen my faith in God. It is going to be scary and lonely at times as well. 
But India is just my next step. And the great thing is that God is the one preparing those steps for me. He is preparing me. As my youth leader likes to say "God does not call the qualified but qualifies the called." and I believe in that. And I believe and know God- which gives my life the most meaning and highest purpose I could ever have.