Wednesday, August 29, 2012

cats, balloons, and just plain fun

Hello folks,
Well, I’m going to be honest about something. I’ve been feeling really self-conscious about blogging… Sharing my feelings and telling you all about my life and blah, blah, blah. I also always want it to be perfect because I don’t want to be too honest about something that it might offend someone or make someone not like me, but I really just need to get over that. So I’m just gonna type and show you all some pictures.
In my time here I have managed to break one of the schools fans… oops. I’ve also found stray cats in my purse and have been asked if I time travel (apparently America has a time traveling machine?!). I’ve had monkeys in my yard and the electricity is constantly turning off (as well as rain, rain, rain). Because of the lack of meat in the meals here you eat a buttload of peanut-butter (completely natural- so healthy it’s almost gross). And I’m learning Hindi, “Pogal hay?” (You’re crazy!).

Plus, I just get to spend time with some precious kids.

I like being the teacher. You get to do what you want :) I promise they DO learn .

Art and Math combined

This is Rohan's 10th Birthday

Chow mein... yummm

You should have seen his grin afterwards. He thought he was being sooooooo funny :) 

Haha, I don't even know what happened to Mukund!

We had a lot of fun with balloons one afternoon

And I think this face says it all:

Keep praying for me and these boys. Pray that I could just be an example of Christ's love for them. 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Outskirts of Dehradun

Just the Beginning

Over Germany Somewhere
my first plane ride!

Anit- sleeping during school! 

Shiva- goofball

View of the Himalayas from the yard!

Lilo, me, Silvana

Divendra- my student

My roommate Rupert. 
And this my friends is just the beginning :)