Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Well, November is almost over.
And even though I couldn't remember what day Thanksgiving comes on (and celebrated it 3 days late....) I was thinking about Thanksgiving a lot.
Well, the food... :P Just kidding, sorta. (cranberry salad, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes... PUMPKIN PIE! Oh my goodness...).
And thinking about my family and the lack of seeing them that has been happening...
And the fact that I've been here for nearly 5 months and only really have 6 months left (wow... from nearly 11 to 6... It's a countdown already!).
And just thinking of thankfulness. So here's my Thanks List for 2012.

  • Washing machines (I think doing my laundry will never be quite so dreaded a chore after this year of hand washing).
  • vitamin C (and lots and lots of tissues)
  • growing up in a house that has heat and air conditioning.
  • true friends that wait for 2 hours to skype with you
  • packages containing chocolate
  • being here, doing what I'm doing, even if its not always easy 
  • children's smiles

  • the every day.
This month I've really been thing about the dailyness of life. Because it happens every day (errr... derrr.. I know). And after awhile you just get used to it... 
But something that I'm just extremely thankful for is that even though we can go through the same things every day (wake up and so and so a time and do such and such until this time and do that and this over there until blah blah blah)... there is still something completely and uniquely new to the every day dailyness of life. There are new people, new problems/frustrations, new struggles, new friends, new mercies from God, and new lessons to be taught and to be learned. Every. Day. 
And I'm just amazed... because how could I get through the dailyness of life if I didn't have the newness of God in my soul? 
God is here. He is with me every day. Loving me, forgiving me, teaching me, and I'm so thankful that in the small every day things- no matter where you live or what you're doing- that God can make us new through those every day things. 
So I'm thankful for the every day because God is there and he's working through it.

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