Saturday, January 12, 2013

Break It Up, Breaking Out


Hosea 10:12
                     Sow for yourselves righteousness;
                         reap steadfast love;
                         break up your fallow ground,
                    for it is the time to seek the LORD,
                          that He may come and rain
                              righteousness upon you.

Lately I've been convicted of not truly seeking God for God, but merely seeking him for answers. My sister reminded me that God is not the means to an end but he is the END. If I have Him, I have everything. I found this verse and what sticks out is the line "break up your fallow ground,".
Seriously, that is so true! Before I can expect big answers or see God working I have to break off whatever isn't of him, I have to build myself upon the Rock, upon His Word. Only then can he rain down his righteousness. Only then can I see Him move the mountains.

After Christmas I went touring India a little bit with my roommates. We went to Delhi and Mumbai and were gone for a total of up to 2 weeks. It was interesting, but it was amazing to come home to Shishya.

I've been finding that Jesus come up in the most unexpected places. I found this in Delhi in the National Museum amongst countless paintings of the Hindu gods.
The Nativity Scene.

It was painted in A.D. 1720-25 

This is the Gate of India in Mumbai... it was right next to the place we were staying.

Dhobi Ghat

    A place that supposedly holds over 5,000 people. The men do the washing for nearly the entire city of Mumbai.    

 It was here that I met some amazing people.
I don't even know what exactly it was that drew me to this place but I'm glad I went.
I was feeling tired of being so touristy, because frankly, I've found it's not something I particularly enjoy. I realized that a building is just a building, but it's the people of a place that make that place special. And it's what I found here. 
These women and children were kind enough to let me peek into their lives for an hour or two. I asked them if I could ask them questions and get to know them -so they sat me down and let me ask away. I haven't included as much as what we talked about, but it's personal and I find broadcasting it on a blog a little strange, I wasn't even sure initially if I would mention it at all. But I started with talking about breaking up fallow ground and it starts here, with me letting go of being someone that I can't be. I wasn't put on this earth to be a tourist but to be a kid of God. And if you're a kid of God then what you care about isn't so much about where or when, why or what, but about who. The who is who God cares about. Which is everyone so why should I not get to know everyone? Shouldn't I be caring about everyone? 

This woman, Geeta, has been selling goods handmade in Gujarat for 18-20 years
She was so sweet and gave me a gift of anklets that jingle when we said goodbye.
Sometimes she has a competition with her husband to see who can sell more in a day.

This is Usha, she is in her first year of marriage and is 18 years old. She's never been to school but has been selling since she was 7 or 8 years old. She loves selling by the Dhobi Ghats (her home) because she gets to be with her friends all day.

I was so impressed by them. None of the women have gone to school, but they work so their children can. 
There was something wonderful about sitting down and having a real conversation with them... sometimes I get really frustrated because I'm always looked at as an outsider, which is understandable because I am an outsider. Basically, I was so incredibly blessed by them being so open to me (even though I can be so foolish about the culture here), telling me about their lives and smiling and laughing with me. Especially since I can be deficient in having conversations with people I don't know very well. It's time to break up the fake ground, it's time to move on- breaking out of old habits and selfishness, and just focus on God. 

1 comment:

  1. Courtney,
    I love that verse you posted. It was one I came across when we were doing the church plant in Williamsburg. It reminded me before you plant and Harvest you have to break up the ground. Its so exciting that Gods Word is used thoughout time to meet indiviual needs in many different ways and cultures. His Word is powerful. Its been fun to see your pictures thanks for updating us. We are still missing you and praying for you, but so glad you have this opportunity.

    Love you lots,
    Kathy Jones and your friends at Harvest
