Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My Thoughts as it Pertains to Politics and Abortion

   Today was the first time I have ever voted in a Caucus. I feel rather grown-up but it also making me think about the issues and do some of my own research instead of soley relying on my parent's views.
   I've decided that there are basically two things that I really care about in politics is Pro-life and Foreign Policy. Pro-life issues get me pretty riled up so this post won't be talking about what I think about Foreign Policy.
   Partial birth abortion. Disgusting. I won't go into details but it is so so so so so so so so very wrong. Even though it is banned in the United States it has been reported. (I will also point out that even though it is murder the abortionist can only be sentenced for a jail sentence of up to two years. Which also is ridiculous).
   The Born Alive Infant Protection Act is used to protect those precious little ones that have (miraculously) survived an attempted abortion such as salt poisoning. All to often these babies (despite the law to protect them) still get left to die as it happened in one IL hospital a few years ago.
   What I REALLY don't understand is in the Unborn Victims of Violence Act the law defines the "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapien, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb." EXCEPT in the case of an abortion with the consent of the pregnant woman or someone on her behalf. WHAT??? It blows my mind that what the law is basically saying is, "If you want the baby and it gets killed by an act of violence we'll convict the person who killed it of murder. If you don't want the baby and want it to die you can pay someone to kill it"
    I know this is graphic but I have a really hard time understanding how giving someone a pill that kills a living, growing fetus (with it's own personal DNA and personality from the moment of conception) or tearing the baby's limbs apart and vaccuming out the womb ISN'T murder.
   Not only that but girls at the ages of fourteen can go to a place like planned parenthood and get an abortion without having to tell a parent or get their consent. At age fourteen you can't bring ibuprofen to school or be in charge of regular medications at schools or camps, you can't drive by yourself, or order stuff off of those TV ads, but you can have an abortion alone? Where is the sense in it? When I was fourteen I surely wouldn't have been able to make a decision like that alone. If I would've been faced with the decision I might have acted simply out of fear and immaturity and I'm sure would've regretted it forever. This is serious business. This isn't just about "at the moment a child is inconvenient for me" but "what am I going to think and feel about this decision a year, five years or ten years from now? Will I be able to live with the fact I did this?". A lot of people say abortion is only ok in the case of rape victims because they didn't chose it but it has been pointed out that caring for a child in that time of hurt helps divert your attentions off of yourself and helps heal you by taking care of someone else and getting an abortion in those cases often lead to more serious problems then if you had just been raped.
   All in all once you look at all the political positions, etc... its up to convictions and God has stated in the Bible that life is precious.
     Psalm 127:3
           "Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD,  
                            the fruit of the womb is a reward.                      

   Who am I to deny the truth of the Word of God? God is saying with the word "behold" Hey! Look here!! this is super important! pay attention! 
Children are a reward not an inconvenience!  Not something to be thrown away. But to be treasured. I believe that the world was given children to give us just a glimpse of just how much God loves us. The world is throwing that treasure away because we can't take responsibility for our actions. And it's sad. I'm just thankful that God has accepted every single one of those unborn treasures into heaven and it makes me hopeful for the future, because there have been Laws and Acts put in place to try and protect them, which means that as long as they're in place and someone(s), somewhere is trying to help them. There is hope and I am so thankful.            

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